Sabtu, 09 April 2011

You Make Your Own Luck

Sometimes I feel if I do the one who aren't lucky in this world
Sometimes I envy poeple who are success while I just stuck here,
 but I realized that I was thinking wrong about luck so far

Luck isn't a persons's destiny... Luck is a readiness to accept all opportunities that come. Maybe so far, I always waste all opportunities that comes to me, that's why I never feel lucky :(

Hmm.. I think I do need some efforts to reach my own luck, especially this year !
2011 is all mine

Jumat, 08 April 2011

I Do Not Know

Have you ever felt completely hopeless about the future ?
Me ? Yes, I have !

 You know what you want,
You know what to do,
but you don't understand why everything could be like that

I'm not going to find out...
I just wanna let things go like flowing water

Well, I think the future is unpredictable so what i needed just to be more confidence and remove all the fear to face to the truth :)

 Good or bad ?


Rabu, 06 April 2011

See Everything Closer

As you all know, I'm 19 years old now. Umur yang cukup labil posisinya, ga muda tapi ga tua juga. Semenjak angka 19 ini dateng, I feels like living in two choices :

(1) Failure : live like this long and
(2) Success : live a better and well
organized life


I know, everything takes consequences. I wanna have a new life. Now, Im still trying to be a better and wise person, a good friends for those who wants to be my friend, closer to God, humble, and all kinds of good thing.

I'm so grateful that Allah still loves me. He opened my eyes to see the life surrounding me dan bikin aku sadarDin, hidup kamu tuh udah enak banget sekarang ! Kamu masih bisa milih dimana kamu mau sekolah, kamu bisa beli ini, kamu bisa beli itu, semua yang kamu mau dipenuhin sama papa mama.

Jadi ? Sekarang ? No more excuse for being lazy ! No more excuse for being indifferent !
Toh akhirnya aku juga yang akan menuai hasil jerih payahku sendiri dan akan kupersembahkan untuk papa mama yang udah baik dan sabar untuk ngerawat semua anak-anaknya :)

~the way you live is your choice~

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Hijab Shoot

Tuesday, 5th April 2011

Today is bright day, Oka (my friends) and I have already make an appoinment to make this beautiful day become a "centil" day. We put make up on our face and make a lil' unimportant photo shoot actually haha

There you gooo.....

Dwita Andini Siregar

Noorqa Zanial Azizah



Hi, my name is Dini :)
Actually this is my old account but I decided to revise this blog with the better one.

Enjoy !!!